Texas Daycare Injuries and Abuse

Representing Children Injured at Daycare

When we drop our children of at a daycare center, we are trusting the daycare to provide the same level of protection and care as we as parents do.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case as hundreds of children are exposed to injuries and abuse at daycares every year. If your child was injured, call our daycare injury lawyers today.

Is Your Child’s Daycare Properly Regulated and Monitored?

Did you know that you may be sending your child to a daycare that has little or no state regulation? In particular, if your child attends a child care program that is operated by state agencies, local governments, military facilities, a religious institution, or is only open on a part time basis, the state may not regulate it at all.

This is frightening to think about as a parent who relies on daycare centers to be properly regulated and controlled. While injuries and abuse do not happen at all daycare centers, these are things that cannot be tolerated and must be monitored.

Daycare Injury Statistics

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, at least six out of ten — nearly 13 million — infants, toddlers and preschool children are enrolled in daycare. These centers are supposed to be providing substitute care for your children, but sadly we find that sometimes they may cause more harm than good.

According to the CPSC, approximately 31,000 children under age 4 are treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms for injuries at child care settings on average.

  • 8% of the child care settings had cribs that did not meet current safety standards.
  • 24% of the child care settings did not have safe playground surfacing.
  • 13% of the child care settings did not use child safety gates where necessary.
  • 26% of the child care settings had loops on the window blind cords.
  • 5% of the child care settings had products that had been recalled by CPSC.

Common Types of Daycare Injuries

Some accidents involving children are simply unavoidable. However, many accidents could be prevented if daycare workers followed common safety procedures, removed hazards (such as those listed above) from the area, or supervised the children in a responsible manner.

Common injuries that occur at child daycare centers include:

  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Choking or strangulation
  • Burns
  • Drowning
  • Poisoning (by food, chemical, or medicine)

Child Abuse at Daycare Center

A parent’s worst nightmare is picking up a child from daycare and discovering mysterious cuts, bruises, or other more serious injuries. Child injuries do not always occur on accident.

If your child comes home with injuries that don’t make sense to you, it may be time to talk to your daycare provider. If abuse by another child or one of the childcare workers is suspected, you should contact your local law enforcement.

You deserve answers, and if the daycare staff is found negligent in the injury of your child, you may be owed compensation for your child’s pain and suffering and any related medical bills.

Contact an Experienced Daycare Abuse Lawyer and Child Injury Attorney

If your child has been injured after an accident or abuse at a daycare center, contact Thomas J. Henry’s daycare accident and abuse law firm. Parents put their trust in the staff of a daycare facility to keep their children safe and out of harm’s way. It is unacceptable for a child to be subjected to abuse or an unsafe premises while in their care. If your child was seriously injured due to the negligence or abusive actions of daycare staff, call our experienced daycare and child injury attorneys today. Thomas J. Henry has the legal and financial resources necessary to develop your child’s case properly. Our firm has offices in Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, and Houston serving clients across Texas and nationwide. Call for a free case review.

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A child sex abuse attorney can help determine if the person who abused your child has insurance that might help your child heal from the significant harm they suffered. Because a child abuser doesn’t always have the means, assets, or insurance to pay for his victim’s injuries, it’s sometimes difficult for child abuse victims to receive compensation. Our attorneys will look at all options available for obtaining financial recovery. Money recovered can help with expenses related to your child’s health and future, including medical bills and counseling.
Several persons and parties may be responsible for child molestation — whether they committed the abuse themselves or they knew or should have known and did nothing to stop it. Here is a list of potential defendants in a child sex abuse civil lawsuit:
  • The abuser
  • Employers
  • Apartment communities
  • Property owners
  • Daycare providers
  • Landlords
  • Hotels/motels
  • Co-workers
  • Schools
  • Coaches
  • Babysitters
  • Parents/Stepparents
  • Teachers
  • Therapists
  • Youth clubs
  • Churches
  • Doctors
According to RAINN, as many as 93 percent of sexual abuse victims under the age of 18 know the abuser. Sexual predators look like anyone else, and sadly, they are often the people you trust most. Some of the occupations most often associated with child abuse include:
  • Priests
  • Pastors
  • Ministers
  • Rabbis
  • Imams
  • Clergy
  • Church officials
  • Youth group leaders
  • Deacons
  • School teachers
  • Music teachers
  • Dance instructors
  • Theater instructors
  • Boy Scout leaders and volunteers
  • Girl Scout leaders and volunteers
  • Coaches
  • Childcare providers
  • Babysitters
Sexual abuse can happen anywhere. Child molesters are opportunists and will enact their abuse anywhere they have access to or are alone with their victims. This includes:
  • Churches
  • Schools
  • Classrooms
  • Restrooms
  • Synagogues
  • Mosques
  • The victim’s home
  • The abuser’s home
  • On field trips
  • On religious retreats
  • On Camping trips
  • In a vehicle during a ride home
Child sexual abuse signs are often hard to spot. These signs include not only physical but also behavioral and emotional signs. Here are 10 warning signs of potential sexual child abuse:
  • Depression or post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Bleeding, bruising, or swelling in the genital area
  • Frequent urinary or yeast infections
  • Pain, itching, or burning in the genital area
  • Changes in hygiene (bathing too little, or too often)
  • Changes in sleep habits, including nightmares or bedwetting
  • Self-harming or expression of suicidal thoughts
  • Trouble in school, including absences or drops in grades
  • Shies away or feels threatened by physical contact
  • Overly protective of siblings (assumes a caretaker role)
This is by no means an exhaustive list of sexual abuse signs.
Child sexual abuse is a crime that often goes undetected. You have the power to make an enormous, positive difference in a child’s life. Here are steps to take if you think a child is a victim of sexual abuse:
  • Recognize the signs, both physical and behavioral 
  • Talk to the child
    • Choose a safe space away from the person you may suspect of causing the abuse
    • Speak to the child in a casual, non-threatening tone to keep the child at ease
    • Talk to the child directly, using words that the child will understand
    • Avoid judgmental statements and questions and avoid blaming the child
    • Be reassuring to the child and let them know that you are concerned for them
  • Report it to authorities
    • Before reporting, tell the child you are going to talk to someone else who can help
    • Make sure the child is in a safe place, and if you are concerned about the child’s safety, be sure to let the authorities know
If you are not concerned that the parents are the ones causing harm, consult with them before reporting to authorities.
A child injury case may be brought when an individual under the age of 18 is injured due to the fault of another person or organization. Examples of a child injury case include car wreck or semi-truck accidents, dog bites, daycare or caretaker abuse/negligence, birth injuries, burns, choking, drowning, or any other personal injury. The most serious child injury cases involve permanent injury or death. A guardian, usually the child’s parent, is appointed by the court to bring a lawsuit (if necessary) on the child’s behalf.
The first and most important thing is obtaining proper medical care. Once the child’s injuries are being professionally addressed if there is a belief that the injury was the fault of someone else, or because of a defective product or unsafe condition of the property, an immediate investigation should begin. This is most often undertaken by skilled investigators and experts in consultation with skilled personal injury legal counsel. Often evidence that is crucial to proving fault for an injury can be easily and quickly lost. It is very important to preserve all possible evidence and to obtain photographs.
No. The laws have changed dramatically in recent years to protect child injury victims. Even in civil cases involving molestation, the identity of the child will be protected and the child will not be able to be cross-examined in the way the people sometimes see on TV and in the movies. The parent or guardian for the purpose of the litigation will be more involved in the lawsuit, and the child will usually be able to live their normal life without the lawsuit interfering in any significant way. In most instances, a case will settle outside of court and a lawsuit will not be necessary.
Private schools differ from public schools in that they do not receive immunity. For instance, if your child is seriously injured on the playground or on an off-campus field trip, parents may sue the private schools due to negligence and receive compensation for their child’s injuries.
Did you know that if your child is injured at a public school the school may not have to pay any damages for your child’s injuries? Public schools are protected in some situations by governmental immunity. If your child has been injured due to public school negligence, contact our offices. Our experienced child injury attorneys will help determine if your child has a case against the school.
In most cases, you won’t know whether your circumstances give rise to a valid medical malpractice claim until you have talked to an experienced birth injury lawyer. Doctors and medical facilities are governed by detailed professional standards of care during prenatal, delivery, and postnatal stages of pregnancy and birth. Anytime medical professionals fail to follow accepted procedures, injuries can result, and the doctors and hospital can be held accountable for medical malpractice.

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No Win, No Fee

Thomas J. Henry offers a "No Fee Promise." We work on a contingency fee basis which means you do not pay our firm any fees unless and until we win your case. Learn more.

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Help with Bills

If you've been hurt, you may have a damaged vehicle or be unable to work. We can help get you a rental car if your vehicle is damaged and even advance money on qualified cases.
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Full-Service Injury Firm

We handle all types of injury cases, including vehicle accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, vehicle recalls, product recalls, pharmaceutical cases, mass tort, and more.
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We Come to You

If you've been hurt, you may not be able to come into our offices to speak to an attorney. Don't worry, we will come to you wherever you are – at home, work, or hospital.
Why Choose Us - Over 250 Attorneys Available

Largest Injury Firm in Texas

We have 250+ attorneys available 24/7 to help you and your family. We have the power and resources to handle any case. We offer free case consultations and collect no fees unless we win.
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Nationally Recognized

Our firm wins top verdict awards each year and has been featured in Texas Monthly, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Newsweek.com, Forbes, Fortune, Parenting Magazine and more.
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Top Verdicts & Settlements

We win some of the top verdicts, settlements, and judgments in the country. Recent recoveries include $50 million for a trucking accident, $35 million for a trucking accident and $30.2 million for a vehicle recall accident.

Recent Results

This is just a small sampling of the results we have obtained for our clients.
Please click through to view more verdicts, settlements, and judgments.
Trucking Accident

$50 Million



Trucking Accident

$35 Million


Product Liability

$30.22 Million


Premises Liability

$14.75 Million


Medical Malpractice

$12.7 Million


Company Vehicle Accident

$10 Million



Help & Information

Thomas J. Henry Automobile Crash Statistics Infographic

Car Accident Accident Facts and Statistics

Every year, millions of Americans are injured in crashes involving cars, trucks, and SUVs.
Thomas J. Henry FAQs - Texas Auto Accidents

Are punitive damages available in a Texas auto accident case?

Learn about recoverable damages available to you after suffering an auto accident injury.
Thomas J. Henry Legal Guide "A Guide to Texas Personal Injury Law"

Texas Personal Injury Legal Guide

Learn about the car accident claim process in Texas and how best to protect your rights.

Our Practice Areas

Representing injured victims from across the United States.



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Customer Reviews

Molly Adams

Dallas | 2 years ago

Thank you for all your help and support!!!

Karla Kittley

Dallas | 2 years ago

Took care of my friend and her daughters accident case! Got the maximum allowed! Also I love he gives back to our community!

Leon Rodriguez

Dallas | 2 years ago

Care and comfort for clients is the #1 priority for these guys. You guys continue to provide the best for everyone!